Energy and power plants
In biomass as well as refuse incineration plants, air or water-cooled feed grids often transport the fuel. However, in many cases the heterogeneous composition of the fuel is a problem. The ability to regulate the feed speed of the individual grid zones is therefore crucial for optimal energy utilisation. Only in this way can optimal positioning of the main combustion zone under the first flue as well as complete combustion of the fuel on the grid be ensured.
The robust systems from INTEGRAL HYDRAULIK provide a reproducible feed speed with a speed error of less than 1% and a regulation range from 1 to 1000 without problems. This „regulation“ is made possible by a position measuring system integrated into a cylinder. In addition, using a special regulator module you can also adjust the feed speeds of all the grids together and adjust them in relation to each other – from very slow (a few mm/min) to very fast (several m/min).